
PFMA members are welcome to join several committees that serve the best interests of Pennsylvanias food industry. Committee members are updated on issues through PFMA staff and may be asked to contact legislators and/or state officials about food industry concerns. All committees meet throughout the year to review current legislation impacting the industry, discuss how to deal with these issues and suggest direction for the PFMA Government Relations Department.

Legislative Committee

Members discuss issues such as the impact of annual state budget proposals and negotiations, adult beverage sales, tobacco and OTP issues, interchange fees, vendor sales tax allowance, fresh food financing, GMO and menu labeling, lottery sales, paid leave, property tax reform, SNAP funding, sustainability issues and more. Weekly updates are sent to members to supplement monthly meetings.​

Philadelphia Legislative Committee

The Philadelphia Legislative Committee focuses on legislation before Philadelphia Legislative Council and actions by the mayor. The committee generally meets by conference call on the first Thursday of every other month, and additional meetings are held as needed. Meetings are also supplemented by weekly update emails with news and updates specific to Philadelphia and other local governments in Pennsylvania.

Food Protection Committee

Members discuss Pennsylvania laws and regulations including the Food Code, Food Employee Certification Act, Country-of-Origin labeling, FDA Food Safety Modernization Act rules, promoting Good Agriculture and Handling Practices trainings for growers (GHP/GAP), agro-terrorism and more. The committee works closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Loss Prevention Committee

Members discuss issues such as organized retail crime, shared crime reporting, counterfeit bill technologies, retail theft penalty legislation, law enforcement education initiatives, skimming and Point-of-Sale breaches, associate awareness programs and store security strategies. The committee works closely with law enforcement officials.

PA Pharmacy Council

The council addresses issues in the retail pharmacy industry such as pharmacy technician certification, Pharmacy Benefits Managers (PBM) transparency, pharmaceutical accountability monitoring (PAMS), real-time tracking of ephedrine/pseudoephedrine purchases, injectable medications and immunizations, Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Medicaid reimbursement rates.

Gaming Committee

Recent reforms to Pennsylvania’s gaming laws offer potential new revenue streams for PFMA’s members. The PFMA Gaming Industry Committee unites stakeholders to discuss legislative and regulatory issues impacting the industry.

Fuels & Forecourt Committee

This committee discusses legislative and regulatory issues concerning the storage and sale of motor fuels such as seasonal gas boutique fuels, alternative fuels, octane testing, fuel point of sale transaction clearing, fuel taxes, fuel sales waivers during an emergency, pipeline supply obstacles, underground storage tank cleanup funding and electric charging infrastructure.

Sustainability Committee

Members focus on the complex and dynamic discipline of environmental sustainability, which includes ending food waste, reducing energy and resource consumption, and offering environmentally friendly products and packaging.

Join A Committee
PFMA members are entitled to join any of our committees. Please encourage any subject matter experts within your organization to sign up for relevant PFMA committees and participate when possible. The strength and value of these groups is rooted in the expertise and enthusiasm of their members.
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