What are your top three legislative priorities in 2023?
The priorities I have been focusing on this session are working on getting my Telemedicine (SB 739), Dog Law Modernization (SB 746), and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) expansion (SB 414) bills passed.
What are the important issues facing your district?
Currently the 47th Senatorial District has been experiencing issues with road and bridge infrastructure, retaining a quality workforce, and overall labor shortage.
Where do you shop locally for food?
I tend to frequent two local farms that have fresh fruits and vegetables from early spring until Thanksgiving.
What is your favorite vacation destination?
I personally don’t have one special place, being that we have such a diverse region. My wife and I enjoy going to the beach, camping, and hiking in the mountains and in our national forests.
What are the biggest challenges for grocers in your district?
Several of our area grocers are faced with supply chain issues which continue to cause a downturn in certain product availability. They are also faced with workforce challenges.
What are your biggest challenges and successes as a legislator?
As a legislator one of the biggest challenges that we can be faced with is building consensus on important legislative issues. Though what I find is one of the biggest successes in my position is being able to translate the issues my constituents are bringing to my attention into meaningful legislation. Two great examples of this are my Pie Bill (Senate Bill 828) which was signed into law in 2010 and my Telemedicine Bill (Senate Bill 739) which I introduced during the current legislative session.
What is your favorite food or meal to cook?
I really enjoy cooking steak on the grill and eating the fresh fruits and vegetables that are available all summer long. I also enjoy ice cream at any time.
What do you like to do for fun?
In my free time, I take pleasure in tending to my farm. My farm has been in my family for generations and is something that I am passionate about.
What is your greatest success as a legislator over the past few years?
I am proud to say that several of the initiatives I have championed, which included my Pie Bill (Senate Bill 828 of 2010), the Pennsylvania Farm Bill (House Bill 1514 of 2019), my Horse Racing Industry Standards Bill (Senate Bill 1237of 2022), and my Beginning Farmer Tax Credit Bill (Senate Bill 478 of 2019), have been signed into law. Additionally, my Dog Law Modernization Bill (Senate Bill 746 of 2023) passed the Senate with bipartisan support and now awaits House consideration.