What are your top three legislative priorities in 2024?
I continue to stand up for public safety, parents rights to choose the best education for their children, and to foster the creation of good-paying jobs by making Pennsylvania more competitive and attractive to job creators.
What are the important issues facing your district?
Public safety and inflation. The lack of prosecution that is happening in Philadelphia is having a ripple effect, making us less safe and impacting people’s desire to stay here. Inflation is hurting everyone. My district is mostly middle-class families already stretching their money to make ends meet and the impact of rising costs on everyday items is disastrous to them.
What is your favorite vacation destination?
Anywhere with a beach.
What are the biggest challenges for grocers in your district?
Inflation. With the rising costs of food, it’s hurting our grocers’ ability to keep prices reasonable and shoppers’ ability to purchase the same quantity they have in the past.
What are your biggest challenges and successes as a legislator?
The biggest challenge I currently face is working across the aisle with a new majority that seems more intent on playing politics than truly governing. In previous sessions, I was able to work with legislators from both parties to enact legislation benefiting Pennsylvanians. Today however, the liberal democrat majority is driving a radical agenda designed to appease their political supporters regardless of the real and negative impact those policies would have on people if they were actually implemented into law.
What is your favorite food or meal to cook?
Chicken cutlet
What do you like to do for fun?
I always enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I also like to sit down with a good book.
What is your greatest success as a legislator over the past few years?
There are many legislative efforts I am proud to have worked on. Some of the more memorable would be standing up for police officers on multiple legislative efforts, the increases in EITC funding I advocated for, and of course the impeachment of District Attorney Larry Krasner.