PFMA announces new officers and board members

Jeffrey Brown, president and CEO of Brown’s Super Stores, Westville, New Jersey, was elected to serve as chairman of the Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association (PFMA) during the board of directors meeting on May 9 in Hershey, Pa.

“We are pleased to have Jeff Brown lead our board of directors for the next two years,” said David McCorkle, PFMA president & CEO. “He is a very well respected member of the business community who will be able to get the members’ views communicated to lawmakers.”

Brown, who operates 11 ShopRites and one The Fresh Grocer in Philadelphia, will lead the board of directors to develop the association’s policies and agenda for the next two years.

He is joined on the executive committee by Vice Chairman Richard Wood III, director of Government Relations and Sustainability, Wawa, Inc.; Treasurer Thomas Cormier, director of Government Affairs, Ahold USA; and Secretary Frank Puleo, vice president, Retail Marketing and Services, C&S Wholesale

In addition, PFMA elected three new members to its board of directors. They are: Joseph McGinn, senior manager of public affairs, Sunoco, Inc.; Rick Maier, senior vice president, Bunzl Northeast Region; and Frank Orloski, Jr., president, Core-Mark, Pennsylvania Division.

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