PFMA launches second season of Shelf Confidence podcast

Shelf Confidence will kick off its second season next week, discussing food retail trends and innovations with Pennsylvania Food Merchants Association (PFMA) members.
The first episode on Wednesday, Feb. 2, features the Pennsylvania Lottery. Drew Svikto, Pennsylvania Lottery Executive Director, and Eric Grubbs, the Deputy Executive Director of Sales and Retail Operations, discuss how the PA Lottery is modernizing its services for retailers in 2022. The organization also is ramping up for its 50th-anniversary celebration.
New PFMA member High’s convenience stores then joins the podcast to talk about earning its Safe Shop Assured ™ Certification. A result of the pandemic, this new third-party certified, 10-step checklist ensures that qualified retailers have the highest safety and cleanliness standards.
Also on deck for season two, Yuengling discusses it’s expansion West, Fresh Grocer of the Burns Neighborhood Family Markets talk about community impact programs, and plenty more.
“The resourcefulness and creativity in food and beverage retail, particularly under the pressure of the last two years, has been nothing short of amazing. Shelf Confidence gives our members a chance to share the ways they continue innovating to progress and rise above the obstacles they face,” said Alex Baloga, PFMA president and CEO. 
Shelf Confidence launched in July 2021. The inaugural 10-episode season highlighted sustainability with The GIANT Company, home meal kits at Karns Quality Foods, tackling food waste with Country Fair, reframing healthy snacking with Utz, and many other topics. 
Shelf Confidence posts a new episode every other Wednesday morning. The podcast is available at, or listen and subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotify or Google Podcasts.

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